Any roses that have red tones in them tend to darken during freeze drying, despite our best efforts to maintain their color. Because pink roses have varying amounts of red tinting, they are subject to being darker in pink than their fresh counterparts.
Pavarotti Color: Deep pink Sizes shown: Large, medium, small Type: Ecuadorian Notes:
Queen Elizabeth Color: Light pink Sizes shown: Medium Type: Garden, Grandiflora Notes:
Rossini Color: Cream with pink blush Sizes shown: Medium, small Type: Ecuadorian Notes:
Royal Highness Color: Creamy pastel pink Sizes shown: Xlg, Lg, med., small Type: Garden, Hybrid Tea Notes:
Secret Color: Cream blushed with rich pink Sizes shown: Large, medium, small Type: Garden, Hybrid Tea Notes:
Tiffany Color: Pink with yellow based petals Sizes shown: Large, medium Type: Garden, Hybrid Tea Notes:
Touch of Class Color: Coral pink Sizes shown: Large Type: Garden, Hybrid Tea Notes: