Any roses that have red tones in them tend to darken during freeze drying, despite our best efforts to maintain their color. Because "orange" roses have varying amounts of red and yellow tinting, they are subject to being darker in orange than their fresh counterparts. As a result, you will find some roses that might be more aptly considered "peach" toned when fresh in this section.
Sonia (Hothouse Grown) Color: Medium Salmon Sizes shown: Medium, small Type: California Hothouse, Grandiflora Notes:
Sonia (Garden Grown) Color: Light salmon Sizes shown: Medium, small Type: Garden, Grandiflora Notes: Depth of color can lighten as rose gets larger
Fragrant Cloud Color: Deep coral orange Sizes shown: Large, medium, small Type: Garden, Hybrid Tea Notes:
Tropicana Color: Coral Orange Sizes shown: Large, medium Type: Garden, Hybrid Tea Notes: Color lightens as flower gets more open
Impatient Color: Deep orange Sizes shown: Medium, small Type: Garden, Florabunda Notes:
Lucca Color: Deep Orange Sizes shown: Medium, small Type: Ecuadorian Notes: